About The Speaker

Peter Soltesz
Artist & Label Relations, WM Music Distribution
Knowledgeable music industry professional with deep roots in the independent sector and 10+ years of experience in every facet of the indie label & artist management business.
- Founder & managing director of AM:PM Music, an indie label & artist management company, since 2010
- Co-founder & co-chair (2018-2023) of HAIL, the Hungarian Association of Independent Labels (IMPALA)
- President of Music Managers Forum Hungary (IMMF) 2017-2018
- Artist manager (Punnany Massif, Saverne, Myra Monoka, Perrin, Superflake amongst others) since 2006
- Co-founder Pécs City Karnevál, a street festival celebrating sound-system & carnival culture 2012-2016
- Proprietor of Csemege (’delicacy’) Streetwear & Record Store 2005-2008
- DJ & promoter of club nights ’FPT’ and ’MélyPécs’ 2004-2014